Saturday, May 12, 2012

In case you have been living under a rock, Camp NaNoWriMo is almost here! Just like last year, there are two months where you can attempt to write 50k words. My goal is to participate in both June and August. 
So if you haven't signed up yet, head on over to and get prepared. 

I'm headed to JetPens to buy more supplies (like I need another excuse!) 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

An upcoming project - may take on the plane trip to Las Vegas

Looking for fencing ideas for my yard - not liking what is out there now

Looking at porch furniture as well, to replace the rusted pieces I have now - thinking about 2-3 different groupings, with outdoor rugs, to make it feel like an indoor space

Second glove completed for my sister - now to find the right hand glove

Pond Blue from Lorna's Laces (sock yarn) - bought from Jimmy Beans Wool and the book I am currently reading - love the Maisie Dobbs series!

Still working on this one, after frogging the entire thing - I like the yarn, but I've been coming across a lot of pieces that have been tied together - I don't like that part of it

Big storm Thursday came through the area - this is about two miles from my home - the sinister look to the sky was too much for me to pass up with my camera

More porch furniture - loving it very much, but not so much the price, although it is cheaper than some other places I've seen

Lunch spot - nothing quieter than a cemetery for a quiet, peaceful lunch before attending a work meeting

The right hand glove - the one that is currently missing - I can't find it or the cloth bag I had been keeping it in - I just hope I have thrown it away my accident!

I'm also working on another knitting project, trying to get ready for ScriptFrenzy (I will win this time!) and trying to get a short story idea for The Writer's short story contest.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Giveaway -

If you are interested in book giveaways, check out this site: - you can win a paperback copy of WITHER by Lauren DeStafano. Good Luck!