I've decided to do my own version of NaNoWriMo next month. Why? Well, there area several reasons, which I'll list here in a few days.
I’m trying desperately to find something to work on besides my current knitting project. I kept coming back to my ‘body on the beach’ idea all weekend and made some great progress this weekend, finding a name for my mystery writer (Travis) and discovering how his mother (Miranda) came to be murdered when he was fifteen years old. I’ve even got three suspects now, not including Miranda’s husband. The twist is, bodies are showing up, dressed just like Miranda was in 1968; same exact outfit, down to the brand of clothing, shoes and jewelry. How creepy is that? Well, that was as far as I got. Time to shelve that notebook back on the shelf and work on something else. I’ve learned when nothing else is there to write about, its time to work on something different.
Earlier this afternoon I decided to work on Maggie and Gabe’s story. Maggie is a seamstress who has moved back home due to some unfortunate events in her career as a wedding gown designer. I’ve had this idea for well over ten years. My recent interest in sewing has had me digging out my notes and manuscript from before to see what I could do to it. Several hours later I’ve decided to combine the body on the beach story and Maggie and Gabe into one story. Maggie’s knowledge of fashion and designing will help in uncovering who killed Miranda over forty years ago. So there’s another one shelved back in the bookcase.
[I keep my ideas in one big notebook. Once I start working on an individual idea, I take it out and put it in its own notebook – a place where I know I can find it again – as my friend Lisa is always telling me – “Organization will set you free” – this is one area in my life where I do try to keep organized.]
So here I set, needing to write, and nothing to work on. Don’t get me wrong, it has been a productive day, for non-writing things. My clothes are washed and ready for the next week. I sewed a new pillowcase, stirred up some chocolate chip cookie dough (I keep it in the fridge for up to a week – I bake them as I eat them because there is nothing better than eating a warm, right out of the oven cookie) and attempted to make a skirt without using a pattern. I’ve learned a few things from the skirt, so I’ll be taking it apart and trying again, but I’m happy I had the idea to make one without using a pattern. Sometimes you have to learn to do things the hard way in order to be a better sewer later. Anyway, I got a lot done today but I still need to write.
So I am again on the lookout for something to write. I’ve set my clock a little earlier in the morning. I’m going to try and write before I go to work. Maybe I can get back into my grove I had at the beginning of the year.