Thursday, September 17, 2009

I knew something would have to go....

...I dropped my programming class yesterday. I decided I didn't have enough time to commit to the class and I'm planning to write in NaNoWriMo again this year, so I don't need something else in the way. Besides, I think this is a class I will need to attend in person, not take online.

Speaking of writing, I was driving to work this morning, taking the route I usually take home (couple miles longer, few more minutes) and had an idea smack me up side the head for my story about an accident investigator. I've been looking for a spot in Maine that has twisty, curvy roads where I could put an accident scene, and have the road and the conditions have an impact on the accident itself. I've been checking online topographical maps looking for the perfect spot and not finding anything. But as I was driving, it suddenly dawned on me that I could create an accident scene along a stretch of road like this - using conflicting skid marks, etc to confuse the investigators. So that's my plan for the weekend - construct an accident scene. And work on my homework for my other class.

For those of you who like Quincy, M.E., Netflix now has all 8 seasons to watch online (or through Tivo, like I do). I'm finally able to watch the season 4 episode "A Night to Raise the Dead." I think this one is my favorite!


Jm Diaz said...

I love those ideas and\or scenes of opportunity. I know I've used them a couple of times myself. Even if Ive had to modify the landscape to fit my purposes a time or two, well, so be it. It is fiction we are writing after all, right? Best of luck to you!

Kori said...

Oh, I had forgotten about Qunicy, MD. I used to LOVE that show!

Unknown said...

Love Quincy...also think a good story in WV on our windy roads would be amazing!!!