Today is my 42nd birthday. 10:36 is the magical time when I entered this world on a cold January morning.
Can I let you in on a secret? I always get leery this time of year. My fear is that something will happen and I will get so close and not reach it. Birthdays are important to me. Not for the presents and the cake and the special dinners cooked by my mom, but for all the things I've experienced so far in my life and all the things I'm thankful for. I have so many, but I'll list a few today to show them how grateful I am to have them in my life.
To L, one of my best buddies, for being there when I've needed someone to listen to my ranting, to bounce ideas off of, and for sharing some of my travels these past few years.
To G, another of my best buddies, for being a super co-worker, a friend who encourages me to try new books and ideas and for being almost a total opposite of me in our previous lives and beliefs that we seem to mesh pretty well together.
To T, we've been friends since grade school and best buddies since high school. Thanks for coming to visit on Sunday and for sharing your love of the UT Lady Volunteers and Captain Kirk. Live long and prosper.
To my boss B, who tries her best to keep all her peeps happy and who has let me cry in her office on numerous occasions last summer when a co-worker and her inability to do her job had me ready to hand in my resignation. (NOTE: Said co-worker handed in HER resignation letter and the 29th is her last day in the office - I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present!)
To all the blogs I read out there and the people who write them, keep up the good writing. I get inspiration from each of you and use what I find to better myself and my own writings.
And finally, to my parents, who have been there for me for 42 years, who have supported and encouraged me through the ups and downs and still love me.
One last thanks for my friend Cliffy for yet another ROTFLMAO birthday card! It was great. But remember, yours is only a couple of weeks away and you will be the same age!!
To one of the best writing buddies around, I will always be grateful for you introducing me to NaNoWriMo and that first writing challenge in 2007. Enjoy the day and many more!
What a brilliant and powerful post!
You are an amazing friend indeed and an amazing spirit in the world.
You know birthdays are that twilight time to reevaluate and remind ourselves of our dreams and our goals, where we've been on our journey and where we're headed.
I hope for you this year that your journey leads you new and amazing directions, and I thank you for your love and gratitude, yes we may be opposite, but spirits are that, spirits.
Much love and Happy Blessed Birthday, I am so delighted you were born!!!!
xoxo Gabi
To Mystery Writer:
I'm so blessed to have been able to share some of those 42 years with you and hope for at least 42 more.
There are so many things we've yet to see, experience, grovel over, make plans for, borrow ideas from, well you get the picture.
Let's just hope that the next few years hold some exciting times for us to share.
I appreciate you and your family and am thrilled that you have included me in yours as you are in mine.
Remember this line from the Wizard of Oz: A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others.
This Scarecrow fan sure thinks the world of you.
Best wishes & God Bless,
Hoopster (JTK)
Oh dearie...I missed your birthday!!
Well, happy birthday dear one. Hope it held all the best you ever wanted.
We are some kind of lucky ducks, eh??
happy belated birthday to you
great blog too
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