I didn't finish my novel this year for NaNoWriMo, but I did complete my very first quilt for my niece Kait living in Italy with her MP husband.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
NaNoWriMo treats
I decided to treat myself with an order from JetPens (along with some yarn and knitting supplies) even though I didn't complete my novel for NaNoWriMo.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
No NaNoWriMo win this year
So starting December 1st, a new start to my writings. Everyday write. This is one habit I haven't not picked up yet. I let excuses keep me from doing what I love most to do.
So here's to NaNoWriMo 2011!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Some of my favs from Flickr - looking for NaNoWriMo 2010 inspiration

1. 1949 Living Room in the Berkshires, 2. Shetland Silk, 3. Linen Tote, 4. here she is, 5. Last gathering of the deer in the forest, 6. A Sunday picnic, 7. DSC06169adj-rs Italian Gardens at the Vanderbilt Estate, 8. sleeping santa dogs, 9. Chocolate Brownie Cupcakes I, 10. The hexie side, 11. KOI 5218 Watercolor, 12. Don't blink, 13. bags, bags, bags., 14. Texture, 15. Dude looks like a lady, 16. Knotty Gloves, 17. Fifth Avenue New York 1898, 18. Endless, 19. Pincushion - Yellow Aqua, 20. The gang's all here and stuffed, 21. Untitled, 22. Ridenour Lake, 23. ::love::, 24. Hot Squirrel, 25. Morning, 26. Pencil Roll - Inside, 27. Bird on a Bike, 28. Tokyo Subway Map Mini Quilt, 29. union quilt top, 30. The Beehive - Amy's Block for Amy, 31. red and aqua stars quilt, 32. 1910s - Charles M. Schwab mansion on right, West End Ave & Riverside Drive, 73 to 74 Sts, 33. 1910-15 City Hall Post Office (1878-1938) bet Broadway & Park Row, architect A.B. Mullett, 34. 1910s - Charles M. Schwab mansion, West End Ave & Riverside Drive, 73 to 74 Sts, demolished 1948, 35. The garden seat, 36. French Daybed
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Gearing up for NaNoWriMo
Monday, August 30, 2010
Waiting for November 1 - NaNoWriMo
One thing I do not do is write at work. I've plotted and planned on my lunch break, but that's it. When I'm at work, I'm there to work.

After requesting it through ILL several years ago, I've been on the lookout for my own copy. One book in the trilogy I'm now writing based on last year's novel is set in and around Hollywood and Los Angeles in the 1930s, 1933 specifically. I can't wait to start reading.
Turning one story into three has been quite time-consuming. All those pesky time lines, for each major character (six total, two for each novel, plus numerous minor characters who show up in all three) has been a little daunting. I finally had to set the series aside and work on plotting another story. I'm headed to the Blue Ridge Parkway later this month so I thought I would work on a mystery (what else?) set on the parkway. Still trying to wrap my head around that plot and its characters, so I can do a little bit of research on the side while there.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4th of July!

A big THANK YOU to the troops, wherever you are, especially Joe C. who is stationed in Italy and is married to my niece K!!!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
I'm back
I've taken a much needed break from writing and used the past few weeks to make some decisions.
Do I want to write? Yes. It all boils down to that. No more excuses.
Tomorrow I will be participating in the New York Writers Coalition Write Your A** Off Write-a-thon. You can find more information here - the goal is to write 3K in one day. Anyone who has participated in NaNoWriMo should be able to complete this with time to spare. I have to attend a family reunion on Saturday, but tonight and tomorrow morning will be spent plotting a scene to write when I return.
So let the writing begin. Again.
Monday, March 29, 2010
The end - for now - thanks for stopping by
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
From time travelers to ghosts
I couldn't seem to work on my current WIP so I kept looking around on my hard drive until I found something totally different to work on. Ghosts are different from time travelers, aren't they? I did a little editing, and added about 200 words, but it still needs work, and direction.
The three figures stood near the rear gates of the cemetery, watching in silence as four men dug up one of the graves. The police car across the street had a uniformed officer watching from a distance. Grace hadn’t been here long and had yet to make any friends, but now with the disturbance of her final resting place she would have to start over again when she was re-interred or moved to a different cemetery.
Miranda glanced over she shoulder at the other two. Phillip was holding the young child’s hand as he leaned against him for support. Young Robbie had only been here for six months. A piano prodigy, he’d been hit by a vehicle while crossing the street. He was having trouble adapting because of his young age and the fact he knew no one buried here. Everyone he knew in his young life was still alive.
Phillip had been here the longest, since 1829. Before his death, he had been a butler in London and proud of his position. His sister had married an American and moved to Virginia. When he died, she’d had him brought over and buried near where she and her family were living. Miranda herself had arrived in 1933. She, too, had been murdered while on a cross country to promote her latest movie. Since she had no living relatives, the movie company executives had left her here. She had taken several months herself coming to terms with where she was and what she was. By then she had met Phillip and she thought he was the one who would pull the child through.
“Why do you think they’re digging her up?”
“I believe because of the reason behind her death. She said she had been murdered. Maybe the local authorities have new evidence to check her body for.” Phillip had been the first one to make contact with Grace and she hadn’t attempted to speak to any one else the short time she was here.
“Did she say who had killed her? Or why?” She would never admit to Phillip but she, too, liked watching the crime shows he did.
“No, she didn’t. I think she would have, in time. Maybe the police already know and they are gathering more evidence from her body.”
“I wish her well. No one wants to stay here longer than necessary. We’re stuck here since we died so long ago, but the others have a chance to go on. We need to find a way to help them.”
“Have you thought about contacting the caretaker again? She didn’t seem frightened the last time you tried. She kept asking who you were and where you were. I think you should try again. She can help us to help those who did not die a natural or accidental death.”
“I will when she visits again. She has helpers who aid her. She just happened to be working on a map of the graves when I saw her. She hasn’t been back since.”
“I’ll have others start watching for her. Surely one of us can communicate with her, since she seems so receptive.” The three of them turned away and headed back toward the mansion in the middle of the cemetery.
The caretaker lived inside on the upper floors while the main floor held the cemetery office and records of the individuals interred in the surrounding estate fields. Elizabeth Park Cemetery had been named for the daughter of the original owner. When she had died, her father didn’t want her buried across town. So he had her buried in a field out back, fenced in to keep people and animals out.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
My Name is Lincoln
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Snow snow and more snow

This book has some awesome photographs of the homes in Beachwood Canyon, the Hollywood sign, and a model replica of the home that was supposed to have been built atop Mt. Lee, above where the Hollywood sign stands now.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Birthday Girl!

Today is my 42nd birthday. 10:36 is the magical time when I entered this world on a cold January morning.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010
Was there ever any doubt?
The title for 2010's quote book is: The world needs your story.
This will, I hope, be the driving force behind my writing this year. New ideas? Editing older stories? I've got 365 days to find out.
Happy New Year!