Thursday, October 30, 2008
NaNoWriMo part 3

NaNoWriMo 2008, again
I'm really psyched this year about hopefully, finally reaching that magic number: 50,000, maybe even surpassing it. I purchased today two items to help me reach that goal.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Is my breakfast food trying to kill me?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Writing exercise
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A twist to the car accident
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Did I work on my accident scene last night?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I am a procrastinator

There were so many to choose from. All I cared was that I had three different colors so I could make notes on how the accident took place, try different scenarios. I had to make do with a Dodge Charger (white), VW Golf (blue/gray) and the Ferrari (yellow) - all the other cars were either tricked out or not normal looking. I wanted regular cars. And at a buck each, I did good.
I bought them this morning on the way to work. I'll have to discover if I can write about the scene later tonight after dinner. Now I just need to draw the setting then I can play until I decided on who hits who.
Monday, October 20, 2008
The new idea
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The grisly body count was five.....
People passing by glanced toward B's office then away, quickly walking away. What is going on in there were on their minds and they strove to push the images away.
Every one knew who this one belonged to: G. How people knew is still a mystery.

Next came L (me), who keeps being run over with the chair.

Then D, lying on her side in misery.

And don't forget L, who gets here before anyone else. She was the first to go. She tried to escape, but was caught at the door, trying to escape.

And last but not least, M, who died in the process trying to call B for help.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Coming Attraction
Friday, October 10, 2008
While my boss is away......
If looks could kill.....
I was driving to grab a bite to eat before going to visit with L while she was at work. I pulled up to the stopped traffic in front of me and looked behind me. There was a burgundy PT Cruiser behind me with a woman driver. She looked to be singing or talking or yelling or something. No one was in the vehicle, unless there were small children in the backseat I couldn't see.
We sat there waiting for the light to change, being several cars back from the light. She just kept moving her mouth. I finally realized she must be talking on the phone using one of those hands-free gadgets for your vehicle so you could drive and talk at the same time. I will admit I like the idea of the hands-free devise, but she looked like an idiot talking with no phone attached to her ear. Even people in stores and business who walk around with the ear piece - you might get yourself killed one of these days because someone thinks you are talking to them instead of someone on the phone, which brings me to the reason for the post.
I think murdering someone (in a book, not in real life) for this reason would make an interesting story. The suspect could either use this as their only reason, or use it as the reason when there are other motives to kill the person and this one might get him/her off the hook easier if caught. I may have to work on this and see where I end up.